CodetechSolutions share with you some of the success projects achieved with their clients based on the Microsoft/AWS/GCP Cloud and Mobile Products.
Exchange server to Exchange Online (O365)
Moving the company messaging ( exchange server ) to Exchange Online on the Office 365 Tenant with different model
Put in place an Hybrid intranet web site SharePoint on-premises 2016 with Share Point Online (O365 )
Migration process from Google drive to Office 365 tenant
Deployed Power BI (O365) with Power BI Report server
Put in place the Enterprise Mobility Suite (EMS) for Mobile Device Management (MDM) & Advanced Threat Analytics (ATA) for Office 365 tenant.
Define, Analyse and M365 Apps Strategy :Teams,Intune, MDM, MAM, Office 365 suite
Implemented Microsoft Azure IaaS and PaaS Models
Define the Cloud strategy for AWS and Azure and their cloud models, cost, infrastructures, Apps
Define model and migration to Azure and deployment, costs, infrastructure, applications:
Migration to Azure: Analysis, costs, BI applications migration, Cloud Security
Implementation to Azure Hybrid: Analysis, costs, applications migration
Multi-Cloud: Cloud Strategy, Analysis, Governance, Costs, Architecture
Deplopyed the Intune services for Azure for mobile and laptop intégration
Implemented AWS IaaS and PaaS Models
Define the Cloud strategy for AWS and Azure and their cloud models, cost, infrastructures, Apps
Define a Cloud strategy for AWS / BI, costs, infrastructures, applications
Analysis, Application Deployment to AWS, Costs, Cloud Model and Cloud Security
Implemented GCP PaaS Model
Define the Cloud strategy for AWS and Azure and their cloud models, cost, infrastructures, Apps
Internet web site in SharePoint 2013 multi lingual sites with multi domains
Intranet site with SharePoint 2013 with social enterprises network and One Drive and Video management
Migration intranet site from SharePoint 2013 to 2016 with mobile responsive design version
Migration intranet site from SharePoint 2010 to 2013 version
SharePoint BI intranet site
Migration SQL BI
SQL BI migration for intranet sites
Migration BI & SharePoint sites
SQL BI and SharePoint Migration
Power BI :Migration On -premises to CloudPower BI: On-premises to Cloud Migration
Power BI /Big Data: Migration On-premises to Public Cloud Azure /PowerBI